Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Card Dead

That big dry spell. You know, we've all had them. Those times in your poker life when you just don't seem to catch a starting hand for hundreds and hundreds of hands. I'm in one right now. I play mostly small stakes poker on Full Tilt. I'm a SNG player with some cash games mixed in when I don't have time for a SNG. About two weeks ago, I had about 4 times as much money in my bankroll as I do now. I'm employing good (Chris Ferguson) bankroll management rules. I'm not playing any single table SNGs bigger then 5% of my 'roll. I'm not playing any MTT SNGs bigger than 2% of my 'roll. No cash buy-ins bigger then 5%. And still, over two week's time, my bankroll has shrivelled up and died.

I'm used to the ups and downs of poker. You win for a while and catch mad cards, and then you feel like you never win for a while. It's a very bi-polar kind of deal (I, by the way, am Bipolar. Look it up sometime.) But the kind of dry spell I'm talking about doesn't happen very often (thankfully) but lasts seemingly for ever. If you've gotten stuck in one of these card dead deserts, drop a comment and let me know that I'm not alone.

For anyone still learning the game of Texas Hold'em (and if you play hold'em, you are always still learning it), check out Full Tilt's "Academy. It's full of great lessons and challenges that you fulfill while playing at live Full Tilt tables.

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