Sunday, June 28, 2009

A day without poker is like a day...

without poker. Or, like a day canoeing in the beautiful Buffalo River canyons of Arkansas. Yeah, this will be a short post, and one not about poker, necessarily. But I did have a chance to do some reflecting about poker while enjoying nature.

It's summer in Arkansas. That means 95+ degree heat and 75% humidity. In short, it's hot and miserable. So, the family and I took a day to go canoeing. It was close to 100 degrees, but being on the water helps a lot.

Thursday, I had one of those moments when I said "Fuck it, I'm done with poker, I hate this game..." TILT TILT TILT!!! I had missed every flop, come in second several times in a row, and had donked off quite a bit of my bankroll during the day and evening online, and I was pissed. Not all of it was bad luck. Some of it was me chasing those dollars I had lost. K7 off suit in position...I'll play it. UGH!

Friday we canoed. During the day, as we paddled along a beautiful river (if you've never floated the Buffalo, do it. It's gorgeous and a very inexpensive was to spend a day), I realized that I didn't hate the game. What I hated was losing. Losing at anything. I'm not a good loser, and, like everyone, you don't like what you aren't good at. Nobody likes to lose at poker or anything. But some people are better at it than others. Some people are just better losers than others.

Anyway...As we canoed, I got a new perspective on poker and life. Sometimes, you're just going to lose. Those that can take the loss, turn it into a learning lesson and not lose for the same reason again are ultimately likely to be winners. The ones that lose and blame something or someone else...they'll just be losers.

Best of luck.

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